Our field rules

Our field rules


Safety is very important, so we will have to do everything we can to guarantee this as well as possible.

That's why there are regulations composed by the national government and the club, the board ensures that everyone who flies on our field actually pursues these regulations.

As a club we have a good reputation and we would like to keep it that way !!

If new members come, we will look at the aircraft to be flown with a number of experienced pilots and builders.

Frequency plates

At the club we have frequency plates, this means that you are not allowed to fly if you have not hung a frequency plate with your own number on the frequency board.

The 2.4 GHz transmitters have a membership card that they have to hang up, because the habit continues to hang a picture in the cabinet (even if there is no frequency on it anymore).

So we have a pretty strict channel policy, for security reasons

Safety in pitts

The pits is a strip where everyone has their plane when they are not flying.

Also in this pits there are various rules that one must adhere to regarding permits and especially safety.

  • In the pits, taxis are only taken at walking pace by aircraft that go to and from the field.
  • In the pits, all the antennas of the transmitters remain retracted (this does not apply to the 2.4GHz transmitters.
  • As a non-spectator you may never enter the field unless you have permission from one of the board members.

During shows and events

During activities and shows there are often extra and / or adjusted rules, in addition to our own rules.

Members or volunteers of the club will always be appointed and instructed.

The public must always stay behind the intended orange net. Guest pilots are allowed to enter the field after correct actions such as frequency management etc.

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