liberation flies 17-9-2017

Autumn club day / Liberation flies

Sunday 17-9-2017 it would finally be time. On this Sunday, our club's autumn club day was on the agenda.
This day takes place every year but this year it would be special.
Why, Because we have chosen this day as the theme of liberation flies and the liberation of Valkenswaard.
Because we wanted to take it a bit bigger, we tried to invite many guest pilots.
This is always exciting, because how many pilots will eventually come and the weather is fine.
Despite these uncertainties, a lot had to be arranged and set up for safety and for everything to run properly.
So, together with a number of members, we already started building on Saturday.
This was a great day in itself, but everyone also worked hard and we are very grateful to everyone for that.
As told, we wanted to tackle the club day a bit larger than we were used to, and we were the first to look for pilots who fly with aircraft from the second world war.
This would be the theme, so of course there had to be planes from that time.
In our search we came across a group that calls itself the 13 squadron team.
This group is not a club but a group that come together at various events throughout Europe.
So when we talked to the founders of this group and expressed our ideas and wishes, it was actually arranged like this.
They liked our initiative so much that they were willing to find a number of guest pilots for us who wanted to fly with us this day.
This ensured that we came kites from all over the country on the day itself.
even from Belgium (From den Helder to Brussels.)
We also wrote to various clubs if they were interested, this also resulted in a number of beautiful and good racers.
And our friends were also out, Johan had arranged this for us, we were very happy with this because it provided a great spectacle with their jets and jets.
The first pilots were on the field early on to set up their aircraft and the day could begin.
After the pilots had registered and the pilots had received instructions from Marc and Bart, the violence could erupt.
Flying started around 12:00 PM and the arrival of kites and aircraft was great.
The weather was great and so everyone was ready to have a great day.
Nice music was provided and of course sufficient coffee and soft drinks.
It soon became apparent from the good weather and the fantastic beautiful flights that our field also quickly filled with spectators who came to watch our beautiful hobby.
There was of course a lot to do in Valkenswaard and the surrounding area because the liberation of Valkenswaard took place on this day.
So that this day was well attended was a nice windfall for us.
we ourselves had the honor of welcoming real veterans to our field.
Despite the fact that the day went very well and there were no major accidents, there was still a considerable start crash.
The md11 got too little speed to get off the ground and unfortunately crashed into the ditch at the end of the field.
All that flying also makes you hungry and because most pilots had to come from far away, we also provided food.
All this was super arranged tasty snacks and fries.
After dinner there was a lot of flying, it remained busy for a long time, and everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather and the beautiful flights.
As I said before, it was our first event of this big one, and despite the fact that everything went well, I think there are still little things that can be improved.
We also learned a lot and we hope that next time all these things will be better.
That is why we are also very happy with all the positive reactions we have received, and we will certainly do something with the points for improvement.
Finally, I would like to thank all our guest pilots for flying and showing their aircraft.
I also want to thank Bart and Johnny of the 13 squadron for their efforts and help because without them this day would certainly not have been as successful as it was now.
And I also want to thank all members of our club and everyone who made this day possible for their efforts.
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